Does Inspiring-Speaker exclusively represent all the speakers, presenters and performers on this site?
In our database we have both categories, exclusive and non-exclusive.
We maintain an ever-growing talent database with hundreds of speakers to choose from. Those featured on our website have been chosen based on value, topicality, reliability, positive feedback and their own enthusiasm for corporate engagements – but this should never be treated as a finite list.
At Inspiring-Speaker we carefully preselect our speakers according to their achievements, passion and gender. Our focus is on gender equality, providing an equal platform for women as well as men and we aim to offer our client the possibility to choose between the same number of female and male speakers.
Our office is multi-lingual, offering English, French, German, Spanish, Luxembourgish and Polish as spoken languages. This enables Inspiring-Speaker to promote both local and international speakers, to serve a global client base in their preferred language and to have an awareness of their client’s cultural backgrounds.