
Interview with Chris Moon

Chris Moon is one of the most fortunate people to be alive you’re likely to meet. He should be dead many times over and his exploits have been covered in a Discovery documentary with the cheerful title I Shouldn’t Be Alive.

Picture1As a professional Chris Moon exists to help people. He draws on his unique experiences to illustrate principles people can use in their daily lives. Chris delivers great insights about overcoming obstacles and going the extra mile.

The Inspiring-Speaker Team interviewed this inspiring speaker. Discover the portrait of Chris Moon through our interview:

  • When I hear >Inspiration< I think… Brilliant! Amazing! Psychological rocket fuel; we can all use it. We can find it within ourselves by remembering past achievements and endurances and outside by looking for it. Literally who do we want to be ‘In Spirit’ with and on the same wavelength?  j
  • When did you know becoming a speaker was your calling? I wrote a book about surviving abduction and threatened execution by Khmer Rouge guerrillas in Cambodia and how I survived being blown up in Mozambique East Africa losing two limbs and teaching myself to become the world’s first ultra distance runner. I did a news interview about the book and was then asked to talk to a company. After that first presentation I learned that I exist to help people do what they do better.
  • How did you bounce back from your injuries to embrace life again? I bounced back from my injuries immediately by accepting the harsh reality of life. I believe in realism. I chose to laugh and have a good sense of humour, to care for others, be thankful and avoid negativity.ChrisMoon2
  • You have survived being taken prisoner and a mine blast- What was challenging after surviving those events? After surviving things I’ve been told many times by the experts should have killed me the most challenging thing was preventing negative people degrade my decision to always be positive. Don’t let them drag you down!
  • What was your greatest motivation while preparing for the ultra distance running competition? Preparing for my first ultra distance running competition I had two motivations:

1. To challenge the concept of limitation and prove we can all go one step beyond our limits

2. To complete it to raise money for landmine victims in Asia

  • Do you have a personal motto? What message do you want to share with our followers? My motto is Make The Best of Everything  and don’t forget to Be Kind Respectful and Generous


Wednesday Coffee Break with Chris


More about Chris Moon



Marjolaine TIPAKA


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