Our Trainers

Claudia Vago – Trainer

Full name Claudia Vago - Trainer
Known for Helping others bringing their visions to reality
Topics Corporate Governance Facilitation Of Workshops And Meetings How To Solve Conflicts Negotiation Techniques Optimising your Capacities Self Coaching Stress Management
Language English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Fee range Fee on request
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Claudia Vago was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and feels extremely grateful for having grown up and studied in such a marvelous country.

She played field jockey during 15 years, other activities included horse riding, racing, high and long jumping, ballet and other dancing, music. She became a lawyer in 1985. Moved to France in 1988 leaving her professional plate on the front door of her law firm thinking to be back in a few months.

She shared several years of her life with professional athletes and became a translator and an interpreter.

She is a happy former owner of a purebred mare who gave her long lasting experience on the interaction between horses and human beings.

Claudia’s working experience covers: Real Estate administration, contracts, litigation, hospital equipment, legal positions, corporate secretarial, domiciliation, industrial and art exhibitions, conferences and events, teaching languages, legal topics, well being.



  • La Fonction Compliance dans le Secteur de la Domiciliation au Luxembourg, 2008 and 2013 Co-authored – ALCO and GT 30


  • Song writer