
Interview with Dr Monika Hein

Dr. Monika Hein trained in Musical Theatre, studied Phonetics and Pedagogics and after completing her degree moved into teaching. In Monika’s talks we learn how to find our strongest voice and how to manage ourselves so that we feel comfortable and safe with our voice and with what we have to say. She lets you hear how powerful your voice can be and she shows in a humorous way how your voice can also struggle at times. A strong voice has nothing to do with screaming or pushing. The opposite is true – do less, so your voice can expand to the ears and right into the hearts of your audience.

  1. When I hear the word “inspiration” I think …about new ideas, that develop new meanings for body, mind and soul. Inspiration for me can be an hour of yoga, a great book or a talk with my daughter. And of course, I love to inspire people in my talks!!
  2. Why voice is so important? Because the voice transports emotions on a very subtle level. We hear a voice and within seconds, we are able to decide whether we like this person, whether he or she is smart, passionate, honest, and many other things. This happens even before we understand what they are talking about! It is very important to know what we want others to hear from us – would we like them to think that we are undecided, annoyed or insecure? Probably not. So, from today on, YOU decide what you sound like!
  3. What makes you so passionate about teaching people how to use their voice at work? It is simply amazing to see and hear the impact voice work has on people. First, there is an impact on ourselves, we can manage ourselves better through posture, breath, voice and articulation – we feel so much better! Secondly, of course, when we feel better, we will leave a stronger imprint on people´s hearts and souls. And this is what it is all about – connecting truly, by heart. Business is made far better when we speak from our heart and I love it when that happens! I believe that we can change the world as soon as we decide how we would like to sound!

To discover more about Dr Monika Hein click on this link to view her profile: PROFILE

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